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Judul : EUROPA - European Union website, the official EU website
Kata kunci : europa,european union,EU news,press release,EU policies,EU institutions,european parliament,council of the european union,european commission,court of justice,court of auditors,economic and social committee,committee of the regions,european investment bank,european central bank,Lisbon treaty,EU legislation,agriculture,humanitarian aid,audiovisual policy,EU budget,trade,EU competition,consumers,culture,development,economic and monetary affairs,euro,education,enlargement,employment,social policy,energy,enterprise,environment,justice,home affairs,internal market,fisheries,external relations,security,regional policy,research,technology,trans-european networks,public health,information society,telecommunications,transports,eu
Deskripsi : European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies.
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Pendapatan Iklan : $ 270
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Setara dengan ¥ 145
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Pengunjung unik : 10.685
Tayangan Halaman : 42.733
Pendapatan Iklan : $ 3.341
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Negara : Luxembourg
Wilayah : Luxembourg
Kota : Luxembourg
Garis bujur : 6.14715
Garis Lintang : 49.6229
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