Estimate your website price now !
189.762 website has been calculated
How you calculate the worth of the web ?
We use multiple API to estimate the traffic, the visitor and the pageviews. We use those value to estimate the worth of web. We know that every website is unique and each site have their own business model. It is imposible to know the business model just from the traffic. So we don't calculate the value base on the real business. We just assume the revenue came from the ads. So The actual value might be higher or lower than the value in this website.
What benefits can i get from calculating my site here?
The first you will get an external link that refer to your site. It is possibly become the traffic source to increase your visitor. The second you can use the worth value if the actual value is equal or lower than the estimation.
Do your site open for advertising or sponsorship?
We open for advertising. We welcome you or your company become our alliance and partners. For business inquiries please contact us via contact form in this website.
How to sell my website or domain in this website ?
1. Click sale websites on sitemart menu.
2. Login to you account. if you dont have one, create your account.
3. After login you will be redirect to sale page, Calculate your site using the form inside that page.
4. After calculation, You should fill all the form inside it.
5. Click submit and your site is on sale.